The best replacement for verizon iphone is droid.

The best alternatives to verizon iphone are rated as following:
★★★★★  droid
★★  at&t iphone
★  droid bionic
★  htc thunderbolt
★  att iphone
★  droid incredible
★  thunderbolt
★  sprint iphone
★  iphone 5

Your alternative for verizon iphone is not listed? Suggest!
Speaking about verizon iphone, one probably shouldn't forget about data plan.

Other search terms related to verizon iphone and their ratings are:

★★★★★ data plan
★★★★ straight talk
★★ tmobile sim card
no data plan
virgin mobile
You have in mind a companion for verizon iphone and it is not yet here? Propose!

Google Trends

Scale is based on the average worldwide traffic of verizon iphone in all years. Click on graph for more.
verizon iphone
at&t iphone